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Instant Delivery
Platform Region
Steam Global


✔️ Instant Delivery.

Original price was: Ks 45,000Current price is: Ks 12,000

Platform Region
Steam Global


✔️ Instant Delivery.

Original price was: Ks 45,000Current price is: Ks 12,000


You’ve inherited your grandfather’s old farm plot in Stardew Valley. Armed with hand-me-down tools and a few coins, you set out to begin your new life. Can you learn to live off the land and turn these overgrown fields into a thriving home? It won’t be easy. Ever since Joja Corporation came to town, the old ways of life have all but disappeared. The community center, once the town’s most vibrant hub of activity, now lies in shambles. But the valley seems full of opportunity. With a little dedication, you might just be the one to restore Stardew Valley to greatness!


Product Key Activation
1. Download and Install the Steam Games Launcher

2. Launch Steam and log in to your Steam account.
2. Click the Games Menu.
3. Choose to Activate a Product on Steam.
Activate on Steam

4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
5. Then, you can download the game at your game library.

If you buy an Account

1. Download and Install the Steam Games Launcher

2.Log in to the account that displayed on the “Orders” pages of or check your e-mail inbox.

3. Then change the steam account password and e-mail for the security of your steam account. You can download the game at your game library.

4. Enjoy your game at the cheapest price


Release Date: 26 Feb,2016
Platform: Steam
Region: Worldwide

Minimum System Requirement
CPU 2Ghz
Graphics 256 mb video memory
Memory / RAM 2 GB RAM
Game File Size 500 MB
Sound Card Version 11
Operating System Windows 7,8,8.1,10 (64-bit Required)

How to Buy

1. After Click Buy Now, make the payment the way you want and save invoices screenshot
2.Upload Screenshot Invoices and fill your Name, Phone and Email Address at next step
3. Check Terms and Conditions and Click Buy Now.
4. The key will be sent to your Phone Message within 5mins-15mins after we confirm your order and payment.
For More Details and Step by Step Guide? Please Follow this Link